Oct 23, 2023
Where do Body Images and Food Stories Begin?
For most people they begin in our relationship with ourselves, the people around us and our food during childhood.
Leslie Urbas and I dive into th Diet Fallacy and why she is passionate in reframing the conversation around weight, body and food.
Episode 95 follows Leslie’s Sacred Success Path into detangling each woman's self image from their sense of wellbeing through the energetics of food.
We tap into issues around control and curves in body, mind, careers and life.
Leslie's unique approach to food is in knowing the person and having that person intuitively know how that food choice will impact how they use it!
This episode is for you if:
Then we get back into how we function and not eating for how we look.
Leslie's Secret Energy of Food
and How not to F*up your kids with “good eating”
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