Dec 23, 2022
Hey this Episode 80 of the podcast is one of my favorite energizing episodes of 2022.
Lorraine Glassford and I Goddess chat about some things that even well accomplished women are hiding from in terms of:
Go catch the whole video on YouTube
This is a really energizing episode so much that I am releasing the video along with the audio version over on my YouTube Channel so you can really feel the impact and difference of being in the room with powerful, engaged and open women.
This is an important thing women need. We need our own true Masterminds that are not necessarily coaching groups. Mavens, wise older women need spaces more about who is in the room to draw out what is inside one another and connect us to opportunity than the gurus teaching us anything new. We are not lacking a thing at this point. We are optimizing and alchemizing! Come take a listen.
This episode is Sponsored by The Curvy Hustle 30 Day Leadership Jumpstart. Move from chaos to personal CEO of your developing ideas for income and focus on truly taking a fully committed internal leap into leadership in your personal and professional life.
Purchase your Jumpstart before 11:59pm Dec 31st, 2022 and get the DIY MBBA portal lifetime access for FREE!!! ($997 value) Financing available . Email with your questions.
Guest Contact
Reach out to Lorianne on Linked In
To meet her on retreat or see her other personal support offers Go to her website
Visit The Glassford Group for leadership advisory and restaurant planning.