Jul 25, 2017
This episode of Owning HER Health is REALLY about self-ownership.
I extend the talk of my previous feminine power episode and takes us deeper into why women leaders sometimes delay their rise by remaining in mindsets that keep us in the wrong circles for success.
Do we run away from our highest potential to lead merely because we chose to feed into our ego, our fears and not nourish our upcoming grandeur? This episode offers ideas about exploring that.
Note: Today’s episode is sponsored by MBody360.io and MindBodyBrandAcademy.com.
Today's goddess chat comes from a place I stepped into hard with a challenge to own my transition out of day to day clinician care as my career identity and look deeper into what still makes me tick while making money by the end of 2017. I have been very intrigued by a common tendency I see to run away instead of rising and I don't believe the issue is confidence. This is not helping the need for visible female leaders. We need to see lots of examples so that we can develop our own.
We have superpowers...
Being born with the female superpower means we are feeling ourselves and other’s heart and intentions very early on and the feeling is not always great when we feel less than inside. The important thing is that we keep challenging and supporting ourselves to rise amongst the good seed and not just follow back along the numerous old stories we love and habitual weeds.
In this Episode, I discuss some of our Feminine Gems and Some of our Kryptonite...
@6:25 I introduce my example of holding such sacred space for many of my colleagues. As an entrepreneurially minded think tank, I continuously challenge the Goddess Wisdom Mastermind women to not take ourselves and our darker days so seriously. We all have different perspectives of our path into birthing a dream, a person or a movement so far and we are learning how to mutually benefit from our network being in touch with it.
@8:15 Starts with what we leaders need for long term solid mutually beneficial relationships and a new feminine styled social norm
@13-14.min I bring up the Health Impact Pyramid and link it to this mission of becoming more visible as leaders. Starts getting into the number one challenge I find in keeping strong women growing into leadership together. How being a queen of your kingdom in community with other visible leaders is much better than being the King of your world and the three questions you need to ask yourself every time you want to Run from this instead of Rising.
@20min We get into some techniques to win at this game and offers a few of my favorite feminine styled leadership circles. I firmly believe every Goddess needs one while making some tough life and career decisions.
The chat finishes strong with a call out on facing our fears head on. Enjoy using the awareness of seeing yourself in the mirror of your tribe and the imperfection as clarity and fire to stay the course!
Mentioned Resources....
Get your 2 free clients HERE on MBody360 and use code VIPGURU-20% at checkout for 20 percent off fees.
Get that personal brand of your started and start a relationship with your tribe in 8 weeks for less than $300 Now. Visit www.MindBodyBrandAcademy.com
Become a member of the Guru Goddess Tribe Newsletter and figure out if your personal Business style that aligns with your soul? Download your Free Biz Bliss Survey
Learn more about the Health Impact Pyramid