Mar 14, 2017
What can You Learn from A Girl?
In Episode 15 we explored that as I hosted Emily, Michelle, Lindsey, Ashley, and Nicole from Girl Scout Troop 3515 of the Hornet's Council here in Charlotte, North Carolina. They showed up reminding me of my inner Guru Gal energies of joy and laughter in balance with getting down to business and nurturing the world.
This episode is filled with several K.I.S.S. ideas like easy DIY products to save your lungs and livers using natural materials you likely already have at home and lots of Great Links Below!
Did you know that , depending on how you decorate and clean that your inside air quality is likely worse than outside your home?
Reduction of toxins in our homes was the main topic but then something really awesome and cool happened, that only a room filled with women can bring forth, we naturally began to expand our talk into how having the power to help ourselves is a way to actually expand and change our world
Our generational Woman's Circle on that starts around minute *18:30 and goes on onto the last minutes or so rounding out a wonderful conversation!
After hearing about environmental health we got into...
and more....Please comment on the blog or show notes because they are excited to answer your questions!
One last Take away about helping the Next Generation and
It is so important to hold space and opportunity for women's circles of all ages in order to pass on OWNING HER HEALTH. A really important reason to Share This episode with your children, family and neighbors with young women. Girl Scouts is an example of that and sometimes we forget the wisdom shares of multi generations will happen both ways. So don't always leave the young ones out of talks on sex, money, moods and personal power! We all need to remind each other to listen to the Inner Goddess Tribe!
These Guru Gals had such characteristic girl joy and giggles and
fun to share while they taught and held their end of the #GirlTalk
and that is the beauty of it! That is what they can remind us
all to bring back into our work and play!
Environmental Health Plants: Get a plant for every 100 sq
4 Popular ones....Peace lily, Garden Mum, Spider Plant and Dracaena ( thank you girls for leaving me one!)
Citrus Solvents like Lemon or Orange oil, Vinegar, Baking Soda, Corn Starch, Coffee grounds, Borax, essential oils
For those interested in Essential Oils Wellness, hop on over to my store HERE and click on the DIY link to see a bunch of ways to make your own effective cleaners , endocrine supportive non chemically fragrant body care products.
If you are ready to bring wellness through oils into your life then join my team by clicking JOIN & SAVE as a Wholesale Buyer. You will not only save 25% , get some great educational resources from me and my mentors BUT you have the option to earn free products as you grow into loving the way you feel.
You are busy but that is why My audience's special offer HERE over on is so great. With over 180,000 title to chose from you can get smarter on the go!
Check out your 30 day and free 1 click credit HERE to get a book on Essential Oils or Healthy Home living.
Share in their Joy about their power to share their awesome. Add to the Vibe and Ask the girls a question via THE BLOG or just Keep It Simple Sister and comment below!
Thanks for listening and Owning Your Health so we all can benefit from your Shine!
xoxo Lisa